The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that employers in the private industry reported almost three million workplace sicknesses and injuries that did not result in death in 2019. Out of these, 888,220 cases involved the hurt worker missing at least one day of work.
If you recently suffered an injury while on the job, you may realize you are probably eligible for workers’ compensation. However, there is another form of aid you may be able to apply for, called Social Security Disability Insurance.
Who qualifies for SSD?
To receive SSD benefits, you must have a severe disability. This means it prevents you from performing basic tasks needed for employment (other jobs as well as your former one) for a minimum of a year or result in your death. Your work must also fall into one of the categories covered by social security (essentially any position where you made contributions to Social Security through estimated taxes or withholding from your pay) and be of a certain duration. You make a certain amount of credits based on your income each year. You need these to qualify for SSD benefits. Usually, you need 40, with at least 20 earned in the 10 years prior to applying.
How much does SSD pay out?
The amount SSD pays out each month varies. The basis of calculations is the average amount of money you made throughout your life before becoming disabled, specifically, your covered earnings (wages where part went to Social Security or FICA). The seriousness of your condition does not affect it.
You may qualify to receive other benefits like workers’ compensation while on SSD. However, aid from other sources may lead to the reduction of your SSD payments.