Why employers do not file workers’ compensation claims

On Behalf of | Jun 11, 2022 | Blog, Workers' Compensation |

A workplace injury can happen to anyone, but when it keeps you from working for an extended period, you may worry about how you will support yourself and your family. Your North Carolina employer must offer workers’ compensation insurance to ensure your right to a steady income and reimbursement for your medical bills.

Although most employers will not risk penalties for not providing this mandatory insurance, many do not file claims for the following reasons.

They want to avoid higher premiums

Employers who struggle to reduce costs are more likely to challenge workers’ compensation claims because insurance premiums are their most substantial expenses. Insurance premium rates can rise significantly when providers pay for injured workers’ medical bills, wages, and short and long-term disability expenses.

They think the employee is exaggerating the injury

Some types of jobs leave workers more susceptible to injuries than others. However, minor injuries like scrapes or strains typically do not qualify for workers’ compensation. Although workers in manufacturing, construction, utilities, and healthcare often experience injuries, those in low-risk work environments may inspire skepticism from their employers.

They want to protect their reputations

Employers can undermine their businesses by not filing workers’ compensation claims to reduce costs. Those who develop reputations for not acknowledging workplace injuries or hazards may have difficulty finding workers to fill vital positions. Also, existing employees who take over workloads for injured co-workers may be prone to fatigue, making them vulnerable to injuries that prevent them from working. The resulting employee dissatisfaction and attrition can damage a company’s reputation.

Your North Carolina employer must provide you with a safe workplace. Still, asserting your right to collect workers’ compensation benefits is essential for your physical and financial recovery when you sustain an injury.

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